system of the insulation of the power equipments based on the NI-PXI measurement and control bus.It used the NI Measurement Studio/NI-DAQVISA to realize the signal acquisition with data acquisition cards and oscilloscopes.This system can measure the characteristic signals of the insulation in the ...
A sex bias in ASD diagnosis is well established, with the male:female ratio of diagnosis being ~ 3.8:1 [12]. Sex differences seen in the maturation rate of language function in typically developing children [13,14,15,16,17,18] are further enhanced in children with ASD with males ...
Kafka MP. The development and evolution of the criteria for a newly proposed diagnosis for DSM-5: hypersexual disorder. Sex Addict Compulsivity. 2013;20:19–26.Kafka, M. P. (2013). The Development and Evolution of the Criteria for a Newly Proposed Diagnosis for DSM-5: Hypersexual Disorder....
Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder afflicting almost 12 million people. Increased understanding of its complex and heterogenous disease pathology, etiology and symptom manifestations has resulted in the need to design, captu
Women with dense breasts have an increased risk of breast cancer. However, breast density is measured with variability, which may reduce the reliability and accuracy of its association with breast cancer risk. This is particularly relevant when visually
Findings The final set recommends measuring 12 outcomes across 3 key domains: (1) core symptoms related to the diagnosis; (2) impact, functioning, and quality of life; and (3) common coexisting problems. The following 14 measures should be administered at least every 6 months to ...
Thus, not surprisingly, the reliability of diagnosis using the DSM—the authority on which new animal models have recently been based (Deroche-Gamonet et al, 2004; Vanderschuren and Everitt, 2004)—has been poor and is getting worse (Hasin et al, 2013). In truth, in our use of the ...
Granulomatous lobular mastitis (GLM) is a chronic idiopathic granulomatous mastitis of the mammary gland characterized by significant pain and a high propensity for recurrence, the incidence rate has gradually increased, and has become a serious breast d
Moreover, infertility diagnosis and treatment endlessly give women existential angst and hoping for a child is perceived as the attempt of women to understand their own existence even if they realize that such hope is in vain [32]. Infertility is understood differently depending on the socio-...
close,mutualinterpersonalrelationships.InthenewDSM-5classification system,eachoftheseaspectsofselfandinterpersonalfunctioningisrated forseverityonafive-pointscale.Tyreretal.(2011)haveproposedanal- ternativeseverityscaleforICD-11.Theyarguethatpersistentandperva- ...