牙的发育(developmentofteeth)1 牙的发育(developmentofteeth)外胚层和外胚间叶来源牙的发育具有长期性:从胚胎第五周至25岁,即从 胚胎期至出生后,再到成年期牙的发育具有复杂性:体内发生,萌出到体外、两套 牙齿发育过程易受干扰产生发育异常 2 牙的发育:外胚间叶(ectomesenchyme)来源:神经管形成之前的...
2、如你看到网页展示的文档有jinchutou.com水印,是因预览和防盗链等技术需要对部份页面进行转换压缩成图而已,我们并不对上传的文档进行任何编辑或修改,文档下载后都不会有jinchutou.com水印标识,下载后原文更清晰; 3、所有的PPT和DOC文档都被视为“模板”,允许上传人保留章节、目录结构的情况下删减部份的内容;下载前...
Influences on Development Heredity Genetics for physical abilities, likelihood of certain illnesses, and other physical characteristics, like good vision or early appearance of teeth Nutrition Getting enough calories and essential nutrients to fuel proper development Health A healthy baby is more likely to...
AffectingFactorsof PhysicalGrowth 遗传因素geneticfactors 环境因素factors environmental ●营养nutrition ●疾病disease ●孕母情况pregnancy ●生活环境livingenvironment 第3页/共23页 体重BodyWeight(BW)Criterionofgrowth&nutritioncondition differinspeedofBWincreasetheyounger,thefasterfirstpeak:newborn-1yearsecondpeak:...
Background: Persistent primary teeth (PPT) may occur due to various local factors, or it may develop due to general factors such as systemic diseases and syndromes. Since eruption and dental development are two different processes, it is important to investigate both processes to...
Voice The newborn’s cry is shrill, but it softens as the lungs mature. Change in voice results from physical growth of the throat muscles, tongue, lips, teeth, and vocal cords Reflexes A reflex is an instinctive, automatic response, such as grasping or sucking. The Sucking Reflex Is stim...
Development-by-definitionPPT课件 Developmentbydefinition .1 1.Introduction Itistoexplainanewtermorconcept.Adefinitionparagraphdescribes,explainsordefinesanunfamiliartermbyrelatingsomethingunknowntosomethingalreadyknown..2 e.g.Whatisadentist?Adentistisadoctorwhoisprofessionallytrainedtotreatpeople’steeth.e.g.Whatis...
It is characterized by the presence of decayed lesions in the primary teeth of children aged below six years [1]. It affects 514 million children worldwide [2], and poses considerable challenges to their oral health, overall well-being, and future development [3]. Underserved children face a...
Body Proportions Infants do not look like small adults. Head makes up ¼ of his or her total length 1/10 Bones and Teeth Infant skeleton is mostly made up of cartilage. Infants bones do not break easily Skeletons are not sturdy = no sitting and standing Because of softness, bones can ...
year Voice– shrill but softens as lungs mature Change in the voice results from physical growth of the throat muscles, tongue, lips, teeth, and vocal cords Change in tongue and in the shape and proportion of the inside of the mouth” during the first months of life leads to speech ...