development_as_freedom外文电子书籍.pdf 13页内容提供方:独角戏 大小:90.44 KB 字数:约3.71万字 发布时间:2019-01-05发布于福建 浏览人气:181 下载次数:仅上传者可见 收藏次数:0 需要金币:*** 金币 (10金币=人民币1元)development_as_freedom外文电子书籍.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线...
DevelopmentasFreedom 经济发展与自由 诺贝尔经济学奖得主沈恩着 刘楚俊译 发展的正确意义,在于自由的增进 中央研究院院士余英时 中央研究院院士胡胜正 国家政策研究基金会执行长江丙坤 台大经济系系主任林建甫 中华济研究院副研究员黄耀辉推荐 作者简介 沈恩
Development as Freedom 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 在线阅读本书 By the winner of the 1988 Nobel Prize in Economics, an essential and paradigm-altering framework for understanding economic development--for both rich and poor--in the twenty-first century. Freedom, Sen argues, is both ...
In 1990 the United Nations Development Programme launched its first Human Development Report. This marked a radical paradigm shift in development thinking. Gone are the days in which development was seen as a process of change from an ‘underdeveloped’
Development as Freedom豆瓣评分:8.5 简介:By the winner of the 1988 Nobel Prize in Economics, an essential and paradigm-altering framework for understanding economic development--for both rich and poor--in the twenty-first centu
This chapter offers a historical and analytical introduction to the school of thought that views 'development as freedom'. Since it is impossible to do justice to the depth and complexity of this 'new' approach to development in just one short chapter, I explore a few significant dimensions of...
In Development as Freedom Amartya Sen explains how in a world of unprecedented increase in overall opulence millions of people living in the Third World are still unfree. Even if they are not technically slaves, they are denied elementary freedoms and remain imprisoned in one way or another by...
economic development in his new book Development as Freedom receives special attention[ ENTITLEMENTS ANALYSIS AND CAPABILITY ANALYSIS Amartya Sen "b[ 0822# was already an internationally reputed economist 14 years ago\ known for his work on\ amongst other areas\ the costbene_t analysis of public ...
This is indeed a crucial aspect of ‘development as freedom’.” His concern is about human potential, and how it can be liberated both as a means for improved economic performance and as the very purpose of economic and social activities. Sen presents a treatise that integrates ethics, ...
Development as Freedom is a popular summary of economist Amartya Sen's work on development. In it he explores the relationship between freedom and development, the ways in which freedom is both a basic constituent of development in itself and an enabling key to other aspects. No knowledge of...