Second, first- and third-year trainees asserted they needed anurturing workplacethat afford them both time and space to experiment with new communication behaviours. They particularly valued regularly planned learning activities, such as joint consultation hours. Sharing responsibility for planning these m...
Only people in other societies who believe that the underlying explanatory premises are wholly or partly contrary to fact or experience can think of disease causality systems as irrational. The 2 systems are not the same despite their closeness. Unfortunately, the biomedical system of disease theory...
Exploring the role of advisory groups and the meaning of participation for these participants revealed some key areas for best practice in implementation: careful planning of the composition of the advisory group to access target groups; the importance of establishing common goals; the importance of ...
The design game was tested in three sessions organised by the authors in the premises of VAV Asunnot Oy in October and November 2017. The game sessions started with an introduction to the theme of sharing. The aim was to assist the participants to think “outside the box” and to disengage...
Before arriving at the workshop location within the university premises, the children were divided into six groups by their class teacher, with 3–4 participants in each group. In the introduction of the workshop the whole class together with their class teacher and a teacher assistant, was ...
In this way, we have already been able to produce renewable energy on our premises through solar panels.” (Interviewee of company 5). Some companies, while seeking to achieve energy efficiency and the reduction of carbon emissions in car production and car aftermarket, have done carbon offsets...
meaning the data are discrete and bound on the left and right sides. To analyze the model fitting, a −2 log-likelihood test was conducted for a null model and a full model that contains the full set of predictors. The likelihood chi-square test was used to test whether there is a ...
IoT services will have lower performance/throughput on B20, but better range, meaning more users are served but with poorer connections. 4.1.1. Policy and Regulatory IoT Issues To accelerate IoT development and investment in developing countries, a good policy and regulatory framework are needed in...
Thus, we advocate for a more dynamic, less static rope ladder model and we base our model on the following premises: 1. Moving away from adult-created research processes to ensure genuine participation, with youth being part of developing a meaningful and genuine model of participation [38]; ...