Define developing country. developing country synonyms, developing country pronunciation, developing country translation, English dictionary definition of developing country. n a nonindustrialized poor country that is seeking to develop its resources by
A. ADJ [country]→ en (vías de) desarrollo; [crisis, storm]→ que se avecina B. N (Phot)→ revelado m C. CPD developing bath N→ baño m de revelado Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © Harper...
This paper examines the potential implications and contributions of Geodesign in a developing country context through the study of the Wulingyuan National Scenic Area Master Plan project. This study was conducted about fourteen years ago as one of the first projects in China which used theories, tech...
developing country Economic Expansion Economic Geography References in periodicals archive ? The UAE is also a key regional and international trade centre, so benefitting from the flexibility provided by the measures will increase trade opportunities for developing countries, which the UAE does not requir...
This definition is apt because it encompasses the various destinations most frequently sought by wine tourists and reinforces the fact that there are different reasons tourists go to a particular destination. Today, wine tourism is acknowledged as a growing area of special-interest tourism throughout...
As a result, the population of a prototypical developed country is aged and aging fast. By contrast, people in developing countries tend to have many children. These children die younger than their rich counterparts because they lack access to proper sanitation, nutrition, and health services. ...
Regarding geo-process models, to reflect different processes in the real world, both physical models and behavior-related model (including some results caused by social behavior) should be considered because geography has both natural and social facets, and many processes are affected by both factors...
At the level of the person, although this is also the case, it is easier to maintain a greater level of homogeneity as one individual can easily be re-classified should he/she not fit a given cluster definition. It is only through supplementing with geography that the issue of ecological ...
‘Northern Gaze’) is external and its hierarchy is broad: A top-bottom outsider’s perception of another country as ‘developing’. The last context (‘Southern Solidarity’) is also attached to a broad hierarchy but ‘developing’ reflects a country’s self-declared (bottom-up) foreign ...
China’s current classification of such features lacks a clear definition or specific consideration of bioswales. Furthermore, policymakers have often underestimated the adverse environmental effects of road networks, as reflected in ...