Streamlining the development of Internet of Things (IoT) applications can help your company stand out. It can also spur new innovations, such as connecting and leveraging data from countless devices to empower data-driven choices, optimized operations, and creative new offerings in today’s fa...
Developing IoT applications: Challenges and Frameworksdoi:10.1049/iet-cps.2017.0068Itorobong UdohGerald Kotonya
IoT (Internet of Things) is increasingly becoming more popular mainly due to the fact that almost all the smart devices nowadays are network enabled to facilitate many current and emerging applications. However, some important issues still need to be addressed before fully realizing the potential of...
As a result of generative AI's potential when combined with data management and analytics, many vendors have made generative AI a primary focus of product development, providing customers with tools such as copilots as well creating environments where customers can develop AI applicatio...
empowering you to create production-grade IoT solutions using the ESP32 SoC. Starting with IoT essentials supported by real-world use cases, this book takes you through the entire process of constructing an IoT device using ESP32. Each chapter introduces new dimensions to your IoT applications, ...
This paper presents COMPOSE: a collection of open source tools that enable the development and deployment of end-to-end Internet of Things applications and services. COMPOSE targets developers and entrepreneurs providing a full PaaS and the essential IoT tools for applications and services. Device int...
Azure Internet Of Things (IOT) SuiteIntroduction Microsoft announced the Azure IOT Suite recently at AzureCon. This is a brief...Date: 10/05/2015Increasing CORE quota limits in AzureUpdated to reflect the new workflow - 11/23/2017 Please click on the individual pics below to load......
Arduino Wiring requires the download of the "Windows IoT Core Project Templates" from the Visual StudioTools->Extensions and Updatesmanager. Arduino Wiring supports only Background Applications. You can also buildWindows Runtime Componentsusing C#, C++, or Visual Basic and then reference those librari...
IoT hardware encompasses the physical components and devices enabling IoT ecosystem connectivity, which include IoT sensors, computer chips, actuators, and cables. Leveraging these facilitates seamless data flow throughout the technology stack and at all levels. Therefore, selecting the right IoT hardware...
In conclusion, we have developed genetic tools in C. thermophilum, which allow applications regarding affinity-purification of thermostable macromolecular complexes assembled under physiological conditions directly from the thermophile. This method holds great potential to obtain complicated protein complexes as...