aWe solved this problem by developing a Web application for the iPhone (Apple Incorporated, Cupertino, California), which we used to create an unusually large database of real-time reports of thoughts, feelings, and actions of a broad range of people as they went about their daily activities....
Developing Hybrid Applications for the iPhone: The iBlog Example ApplicationLee S. Barney
you can get started developing your iOS application for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch today. Access the iOS Dev Center for a wealth of resources including videos, sample code, technical documentation, Apple Developer Forums, and more. 用iOS SDK,您能开始今天开发您的对iPad、iPhone和iPod接触的iOS...
This is the start of a journey. I’m about to venture into the world of iPhone application development. I have no intention of making a million (although that would be nice), but I do want the apps that I create to be commercial. I’ve waited longer than most to dip my tow...
Chapter 11. XML Processing In this chapter, you will learn how to effectively use XML in your iPhone application. The chapter follows the same theme used in others chapters and … - Selection from iPhone SDK Programming: Developing Mobile Applications f
About this chapter Cite this chapter Piper, I. (2009). Developing an Application. In: Learn Xcode Tools for Mac OS X and iPhone Development. Apress. Download citation .RIS .ENW .BIB
A、 Developers create or modify apps to take advantage of the iPad’s features. B、 Developers sync with iTunes on a Mac or Windows PC. C、 Developers improve versions of applications developed for the iPhone or Mac. D、 Developers use iOS SDK for developing application for iPad. ...
not the AIR file format. Currently AIR supports Android APK packages and iOS IPA packages. Once you have created the release version of your application package, you can distribute your app through the standard platform mechanism. For Android, this typically means the Android Market; for iOS, th...
Section 1: BrowserDBAccess Example ApplicationThe BrowserDBAccess example was created to help you understand how databases can be ... Get Developing Hybrid Applications for the iPhone: Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to Build Dynamic Apps for the iPhone now with the O’Reilly learning platform. ...
I am developing a mobile application with Delphi 11. I compiled the application using iOS SDK 17.5. I uploaded it to the Apple Store for testing and first tested it on an iPhone 7 (software version 15.7.1). The application worked smoothly. Later, I tested it on an iPhone 14 (software ...