Foods like milk, eggs, and meat can contain antimicrobial residues when animals are given antimicrobials. The various side effects of these residues include transmission of AMR to humans, immunopathological effects, allergies, mutagenicity, nephropathy (due to gentamicin), hepatotoxicity, reproductive prob...
The final version of the MY IBD Buddy program included eight modules comprised of 1- login and registration page, 2- patient profile (a clinical disease history, drug and dietary allergies, automatic BMI calculator, smart weight recommendation, and a summary of the patient status including medicati...
The final version of the MY IBD Buddy program included eight modules comprised of 1- login and registration page, 2- patient profile (a clinical disease history, drug and dietary allergies, automatic BMI calculator, smart weight recommendation, and a summary of the patient status including medicati...
Type I hypersensitivity is responsible for manifestation in asthma, allergic rhinitis, food allergies, and anaphylactic reactions to substances. Hence, IgE binding affinity is frequently used for allergenicity predictions. For type II hypersensitivity, the immunoglobulins produced are IgG and IgM with ...
but the applications are much wider than that. Semantic markup of recipes makes it easier for websites to be found and used by home assistants. Listed ingredients can be ordered from the local supermarket. Recipes could be filtered in all sorts of ways — for diets, allergies, religion, cost...
In addition, the control of external/inter- nal predisposing factors for COPD (i.e., smoking, the prevention of allergies or infections)[17, 18] and several categories of medications used for stabilizing acute exac- erbations (AEs) of COPD and their impacts on patient risk of dementia have...