Developing a Problem-Solving Focused Presentation That Includes Student Worksheets and Video Segmentsdoi:10.18502/kss.v9i8.15498ACTIVE learningSCIENTIFIC knowledgePROBLEM-based learningSECONDARY school studentsCHEMISTRY teachersPROBLEM solvingThis research and development aimed to create a PowerPoint (...
-题目:CreateaPowerPointpresentationorposteronenvironmentalprotection. -答案:ThePowerPointpresentationorpostershouldincludeinformationontheimportanceofenvironmentalprotection,causesofenvironmentaldegradation,andwaystoprotecttheenvironment.Itshouldalsohighlighttheroleofindividuals,communities,andgovernmentsinenvironmentalconservation...
-题目:CreateaPowerPointpresentationorposteronenvironmentalprotection. -答案:ThePowerPointpresentationorpostershouldincludeinformationontheimportanceofenvironmentalprotection,causesofenvironmentaldegradation,andwaystoprotecttheenvironment.Itshouldalsohighlighttheroleofindividuals,communities,andgovernmentsinenvironmentalconservation...
Presentations are one of the most common workplace communication methods. Bad presentations hurt a speaker's goals because the audience is lost, but a presentation that captures attention is a gold mine when it comes to influence. We've All Been There: The Bad Business Presentation ...
Pecha Kucha (PK) is an innovative and creative PowerPoint presentation format that can help to overcome this. It features the use of twenty slides containing visuals with minimal text that are presented in twenty seconds. This study reports on the use of the PK presentation format to enhance ...
Avoiding Common Presentation Mistakes Using PowerPoint Effectively in a Business Meeting Strategies for Developing Effective Presentations Strategies for the BULATS Business English Reading Aloud Task Audience-Centered Communication: Description & Effectiveness Create an account to start this course today Try ...
We assumed that although the game provided the operation instructions and the presentation of the results via videos, the textbook also provided text descriptions and step illustrations to assist learners. It means that both materials can allow Self-directed learners to self-examine the core skill ...
A recent thoughtful presentation by Dr. Paul Applebaum to the American Association of Psychiatric Administrators was so full of important facts about mental illness and violence that I wanted to bring some of them to the website. What follows in the next few vignettes are some of Dr. Applebaum...
A recent thoughtful presentation by Dr. Paul Applebaum to the American Association of Psychiatric Administrators was so full of important facts about mental illness and violence that I wanted to bring some of them to the website. What follows in the next few vignettes are some of Dr. Applebaum...
beliefs and values of employees in the workplace. Each individual may perceive a different organisational culture. He/she will be influenced from the initial and ongoing experiences in the workplace. There are many different sources of information about the organisational culture, including stories, ...