网络输入开发者的名称;开发商名称;开发者姓名 网络释义
aCrazyTeam CrazyTeam[translate] aMeist etwas weiter bis in die Stadt 通常有些促进入城市[translate] aDeveloper Name, Application Name and Version Number are present 开发商名字、应用程序名称和版本号存在[translate]
By default, your legal name is used as your developer name. If you enrolled in the Apple Developer Program as an organization, you may set a different developer name if it's a registered trade name, DBA, or fictitious business name. For example, if your
默认情况下,系统会将你的法定名称作为开发者名称。如果你以组织身份注册了 Apple Developer Program,则可以另行设置开发者名称,但该名称必须是一个注册商号、DBA 或虚构的商务名称。例如,如果你的法定名称是“Apps Company LLC”,分发 App 时可以将“Apps Company”作
Participants1 Hello, we are in the middle of a company update and we might need to change the Developer name that appears on the AppStore. From our understanding that name cannot be change and normally you can just transfer your Apps to a new entity. ...
1/1 Oct 2021 Oct 2021 App Store Distribution & MarketingApp Store ConnectApp Store ConnectApp Store archieaustin CreatedOct ’21 Replies0 Boosts0 Views376 Participants1 We are going through a rebranding of our app, and need to update the developer name that displays under the app name in the...
异常信息中有提示“Provider name mismatch. - Your developer name does not match MIIT's records.” 字面意思就是开发者名称和备案的记录不一致。查看了一下,苹果开发者账号中设置的开发者姓名是英文的,而备案的个人姓名是中文的。 应该是提交审核的时候苹果校验没有通过,但是页面上确没有自动提示,应该是苹果的...
Hello, I have published an Add On and I wanna change my publisher name but couldn't find any way to change it or where can i find the option to change the...
A ProgressDialog Library for Android API 24+ apps provided by Techiness Overloaded (Developer name : Arunprasadh C). Quite Useful for showing progress during any operation. Has support for both Determinate and Indeterminate ProgressBar, Dark Theme, and N
Format: <targetname>:<inputname>:<parameter>:<delay>:<max times to fire, -1 means infinite> FireUser1 to FireUser4 Fire the OnUser outputs; see User Inputs and Outputs. RunScriptFile <string> Execute a VScript file from disk, without file extension. The script contents are merged wit...