A list of developer portfolios for your inspiration Have you built a portfolio? Are you proud of it?! Open a PR to this repo and let's showcase your work! Refer to the CONTRIBUTING file for direction. This repo was inspired by Ali Spittel's tweet Hopefully this repo can serve as a...
From your command line, first clone Dev Portfolio: #Clone the repository$ git clone https://github.com/mayankagarwal09/dev-portfolio#Move into the repository$cddev-portfolio#Remove the current origin repository$ git remote remove origin After that, you can install the dependencies either using NPM...
Potential employers or clients will want to see your written code. Add a Github link on your portfolio website to make it easy for them to access your Github repositories. It’d be helpful also to provide context for the code in the readme.md files. Nice to have Photo Sometimes people ...
You can also link your portfolio website on your profile, so recruiters can easily access it. GitHub. GitHub is an open-source community where developers collaborate and show off their work. Contributing to an open-source project enables you to gain experience and make new connections. Stack ...
I love to make great things for the web, developed using best practices with excellent usability, accessibility and performance. My aim is to always provide seamless functionality and an engaging user experience, with subtle visual flourishes and animation. ...
Look for great portfolio templates, like the ones on Mailchimp. Download a template or example on Github. Work with a developer or a development company. 12.Oluwadare Oluwaseyi This portfolio is breathtakingly bold. Not only is it full of exciting movement, but it's still clear, dramatic, ...
PyTorch benefits from substantial optimizations provided by Intel for x86, including accelerating PyTorch using Intel® oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN), optimizations for ATen operators, bfloat16, and auto-mixed precision support. Intel appreciates collaborating with colleagues atMeta* and ot...
Traveler Portfolio website WordPress Ads Target for advertisement Modifications The Royal Group Services Company Modifications Data Networks, Voice Systems & I.T / Computer Support Modifications IT services website Full Stack Website Internal Social website up gradation ...
Learn the skills you need to contribute to open source projects and grow your own portfolio, with GitHub Community Exchange. Tags Get help atGitHub Community Exchange support Blockchair About Blockchair Connect to the world of blockchains through Blockchair’s professional APIs — supports most major...
portfolio Project setup npm install Compiles and hot-reloads for development npm run serve Compiles and minifies for production npm run build Lints and fixes files npm run lint Customize configuration SeeConfiguration Reference. GitHub View Github...