OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, hopes to join Singapore’s ‘thriving AI ecosystem’ with new office BYLionel Lim October 9, 2024 at 4:20 PM GMT+8OpenAI’s ChatGPT at the App Store displayed on a phone screen. The company revealed on Oct. 9 that it’s opening an office in Singapo...
【ChatGPT-Developer-Plugins:不需要 Plus 订阅直接运行 ChatGPT 插件的开发者工具。提供了多种插件,包括翻译、摘要、新闻、笑话等。用户可通过简单的命令行操作使用这些插件,并获取其输出。该工具用 Python 编写,免费提供给所有人使用】'ChatGPT-Developer-Plugins - Run ChatGPT plugins for free without having acc...
最初是 NLP 研究者为下游任务设计出来的一种任务专属的输入形式或模板。在 ChatGPT 引发大语言模型新时代之后,Prompt 即成为与大模型交互输入的代称。一般将给大模型的输入称为 Prompt,将大模型返回的输出称为 Completion 提示词设计的两个关键原则 1. 编写清晰、具体的指令 Prompt需要清晰明确地表达需求,提供充足上... AUTH_SECRET_KEY Key used to access your web OPENAI_API_MODEL Use gpt-3.5-turbo by default TIMEOUT_MS Timeout of OpenAI api request Run Android / iOS pnpm tauri ios dev Thanks The initial frontend code was copied from Chan...
ChatGPT是利用cloudflare来进行网络防护的,而cloudflare家自己,却出了一个安全上网和反嗅探的工具:Cloudflare Warp,也就是著名的1.1.1.1。 利用这个工具,我们只要在服务器端配置好了,既可以实现穿越ChatGPT的封锁。(注意,是在服务器端安装,在你本机安装并没有用,所以如果你并不是自有服务器,那么后续的内容对你来说...
AI网页UI开发工程师 在ChatGPT插件市场中搜索Tailwind CSS Builder,对话可以直接生成基于tailwind css 的HTML网页: 生成的网页结果: 生成的网页源代码: 点击查看代码 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en
Generative AI reportedly created tension between Microsoft and OpenAI as Sam Altman-run ChatGPT developer warned Satya Nadella-run tech giant to move slowly on integrating GPT-4 into its Bing search engine. However, Microsoft went ahead with integratin...
Coding backend using express js (built on top of nodejs) Using mongodb for backend Integrating frontend to backend Requirements: Basic programming would help, but it is not required, everyone can learn Description: ChatGPT = Express JS + MongoDB + React JS + TailwindUnlock the worl...
点击Extensions: Open Extensions Floder,这将打开插件目录,找到Code GPT的文件夹。 打开后进入打开文件./src/clients/openai_client.js,搜索文件中的,并替换为。保存文件。 再次回到vscode,按Ctrl+Shift+P,弹出框中输入CodeGPT: Set API KEY,点击CodeGPT: Set API KEY...
There are differences between the normal and developer modes of ChatGPT. For example, a Reddit post showed that when asked if killing cows was okay, the responses from the two modes differed. It’s important to note that ChatGPT is an AI chatbot built on the GPT-3 family of large langua...