Exchange Rate Rates. The following exchange rates will apply to DevEx. Please note that for anyone who has earned Robux prior to March 1, 2017, each rate below might apply to a different part of your holdings. New Rate. $.0035/R$ (which comes out to $105 USD for 30,000 Robux). Thi...
The campaign, which has been active for over a year, exploits trust in the open-source ecosystem. It particularly targets the Roblox platform, a lucrative target due to its massive... 2 September 2024 |Development Tools North Korean hackers target developers in latest npm attack wave ...
The Roblox Developer Exchange Program (also known as DevEx) is a program that allows Roblox creators to exchange their Earned Robux for real money. While any creator can use Roblox Studio to learn to code, create experiences or items to enjoy with their friends, and even earn some Robux, on...
賺取的 Robux 僅包括您完全遵守 Roblox使用條款(包括Roblox 社群標準),在服務上以個人或團體形式創作虛擬內容或其他 UGC,並透過直接銷售或其他營利化方式(如基於互動支出)從服務所賺取的 Robux,或 Roblox 在指定促銷活動中授予的 Robux。 此包括但不限於從以下途徑賺取的 Robux: 您在市集或創作者商店中的上架商品...