使用Visual Studio的Developer Command Prompt可以在命令行下快速编译C++代码。该命令行工具包含了Visual Studio自带的编译器和常用工具,方便在命令行下进行编译、构建和调试操作。 打开Developer Command Prompt。 进入项目所在的目录。 使用以下命令编译C++代码: cl /EHsc /W4 /WX /MT /GS- /Gy /bigobj /Zc:inline...
"commandline":"cmd.exe %comspec% /k \"E:\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Community\\Common7\\Tools\\VsDevCmd.bat\"", "icon":"F:\\Pictures\\vs.png" }, 注意,E:\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat需要设置为你自己的路径。 这里给大家提供一个icon: 效果 ...
Windows Terminal添加Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019支持 参考我的上一篇文章Windows Terminal添加Git Bash支持 在settings.json的profiles的list中增加一项命令行配置: { "guid":"{7FC439DF-70CB-0588-5417-276C84E36B88}", "name":"VsDevCm...
Using Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc), a developer mode can be enabled or disabled on computers running Windows 10.1. Open the Windows Run box using keyboard, press Windows logo key +R2. Type in gpedit.msc and then press Enter....
This summary is taken from https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windows/apps/xaml/dn706236.aspx Windows 10 Phone: Register your phone to enable developer mode using the existing Windows Phone 8.1 toolsUse gpedit to enable your device Open a cmd prompt with administrator privileg...
Windows 11Select Start , and then in the Type here to search dialog box, enter either developer command prompt or developer powershell. Select the App result that's associated with your search text.Windows 10Select Start , and then scroll to the letter V. Expand the Visual Studio 2019 or ...
改为Developer Command Prompt for VS2013这种格式的 VS2015的命令为:Developer Command Prompt for VS2015 目录是:C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Visual Studio 2015\Visual Studio Tools 打开其属性可以看到,这个快捷方式实际是指向VS安装目录下Tools文件夹中的VsDevCmd.bat文件 ...
开发人员提示工具(Developer Command Prompt for VS) 村墟枫日清 编辑于 2024年03月08日 18:07 收录于文集 VS工具 · 3篇 cd 换路径 dir 显示目录内容 cl /d1 reportSingleClassLayout类名 "文件名.cpp" 报告单个类的布局 分享至 投诉或建议 评论 赞与转发...
Configure the Windows Firewall to enable 4022 port which will be used by remote debugger Setup Your Development Machine OS: Windows 10 with 1809 update Visual Studio 2017 with update 7 or later, including workloads “.NET desktop development”, “Windows desktop development wi...
Windows 10 and 11 include a web development tool called "F12" because it was originally launched by pressing F12 in Internet Explorer. F12 is now an independent application used to debug your add-in when it is running in the Internet Explorer webview control, Trident. The application is not...