Food production in cities has long been a tradition in many countries around the world and a mainstream activity for many developed countries. While urban agriculture plays an important role in increasing food security and social well-being, it comes with significant costs and constraints. Here, we...
By the optical fiber diffraction grating sensing basic principle, has analyzed the FBG sensor temperature and the strain characteristic.Along with the optical fiber sensing technology development, the optical fiber diffraction grating temperature sensor by its essential security, the antijamming, th[transla...
Explain why Heisenberg's uncertainty principle limits the precision with which either momentum or position of a subatomic particle can be known, but becomes less applicable for matter at the macroscopic level. What does classical theory say about the planetary model...
In principle, NbS refer to solutions providing benefits for both the environment and humans. There are several definitions of NbS, but two of these definitions are frequently employed in science (Ershad Sarabi et al., 2019): (1) the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) ...
Finite element techniques17and the Cosserat rod theory18are excellent tools for describing system dynamics. Till et al.19present a real-time simulation framework for soft and continuum robots based on Cosserat rod models. They derive the equations of motion using the principle of virtual work and ...
that moment is less clear…’, ought to be the principle aim with this type of processing. In summary… Trauma processing is just a small part of the treatment protocol for trauma, a constant focus on therapeutic alliance, problem solving skills and new coping skills ought to be part of ...
28 They are included in this with the principle that ‘no absence of effectiveness is not equivalent to evidence of ineffectiveness’. Systemic agents cause significant side-effects and drop-out from treatment is therefore common. There is good clinical consensus that topical agents are effective in...
vertically onto a surface. This is also the principle according to which the most accurate methods of pressure measurement work. When using a pressure balance, you measure the pressure of the gas under a piston of an exactly known surface by determining the gravitational force exerted onto ...
Thus it can be argued that in principle geometry is the root cause of the secondary field. In general particles cannot follow straight pathlines in the pressure gradient or boundary driven flow of a viscoelastic fluid in a conduit with a cross-section other than circular except when the ...
The isotropic and anisotropic formulations are the natural results of the variational principle and the basic structures can be expressed as follows. (1) Isotropic formulation (47)∇⋅σ+b=0−l02ϕΔϕ+ϕ=2l0Gc(1−d)H where σ(u,ϕ)=(1−ϕ)2∂Ψ0∂ɛ and H=max...