引入vue-devui main.ts import { createApp } from 'vue' import App from './App.vue' // 引入 Vue DevUI 组件库 import DevUI from 'vue-devui' import 'vue-devui/style.css' // 使用vue-devui createApp(App).use(DevUI).mount('#app') 使用Button 组件 App.vue <d-button>确定</d-button> ...
你们有没有考虑做 Angular 之外的其他技术栈的组件库呢?比如 Vue、React 等。 👨王哥 有不少社区的朋友也希望我们提供 Vue、React 的版本,DevUI 有一套通用的设计体系和设计价值观,Angular 是我们的设计体系的一个实现,理论上移植到其他技术栈是完全没问题的。不过,我们更希望社区的小伙伴参与进来,一起建设 De...
npm install @qikdev/vue-ui --save Getting Started // Import the Qik sdkimportQikfrom'@qikdev/sdk';//Import the Qik moduleimport{QikUI,Selection,Device}from'@qikdev/vue-ui';// Import and create a Vue Applicationimport{createApp}from'vue'importAppfrom'./App.vue'constapp=createApp(App)...
If you have questions regarding Vue functionality, consultVue docs. If you want to report a bug, request a feature, or ask a question, submit anissueto this repo. Alternatively, you can contact us at theDevExpress Support Centerif you own an active DevExtreme license. ...
DevExtreme responsive Vue UI Templates represent UI parts of all modern line-of-business (LOB) web applications.
Angular、React和Vue应用中的简化类型导入 以前,开发者必须从单独的devextreme包中导入某些类型,而其他类型则必须从特定的框架包(如devextreme-angular)中导入。使用v23.1,可以从特定于框架的包中导出所有必需的类型。 之前 import { ColumnChooserMode } from 'devextreme/common/grids'; ...
Normalize.css: makes browsers render all elements more consistently and in line with modern standards. It precisely targets only the styles that need normalizing. vue-router: 前端路由,路由的对象是组件。
基于Vue.js 之 iView UI 框架非工程化实践记要 像我们平日里做惯了 Java 或者 .NET 这种后端程序员,对于前端的认识还常常停留在 jQuery 时代,包括其插件在需要时就引用一下,不需要就删除。故观念使然,尽管 Nuget 和 Maven 用得顺溜,但对 NPM 仍不带感,兴
Project setup npm install Compiles and hot-reloads for development npm run dev Compiles and minifies for production npm run build 目录结构介绍
If you have questions regarding Vue functionality, consult Vue docs. If you want to report a bug, request a feature, or ask a question, submit an issue to this repo. Alternatively, you can contact us at the DevExpress Support Center if you own an active DevExtreme license.About...