DevExpress / Blazor Star 407 Code Issues Pull requests DevExpress UI for Blazor bootstrap csharp aspnetcore bootstrap4 devexpress blazor Updated Dec 16, 2024 C# eXpandFramework / eXpand Star 220 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions DevExpress XAF (eXpressApp) extension framework. 𝗹...
OneDrive & SharePoint Online OneDrive REST API REST API 入门 概念 驱动器 DriveItems DriveItems 签入 签出 复制 创建文件夹 删除 下载 下载格式 获取项目 列出子项 移动 预览 搜索 同步更改 缩略图 更新 上传 上载大文件 列出版本 获取版本 还原版本 ...
c: for Created by: s: for State t: for Work item type Start entering the name of a field in your work items; for example, enter ta. The dropdown list shows work item field name suggestions that match user input. These suggestions help you complete the search faster. For example, a ...
monitoring csharp serial-ports dev-tool rs232 windows-forms ftdi serial-communication com-port comport com-port-proxy Updated Mar 9, 2022 C# thecodeah / quicli Star 26 Code Issues Pull requests Create CLI's quickly without any external files! nodejs cli lightweight dev-tool Updated Au...
O desafio: adaptação a um modelo operacional de nuvem Quando a equipe de Plataformas de Capacidade de Gerenciamento, parte dos CSEO (Serviços Principais e de Engenharia) da Microsoft, estava gerenciando a infraestrutura em um ambiente de alerta e monitoramento centralizado, o modelo era ...
Quando il team Manageability Platforms, parte di Microsoft Core Services and Engineering (CSEO), gestiva l'infrastruttura in un ambiente di monitoraggio e avvisi centralizzato, il modello era chiaro: veniva fornito un servizio autonomo utilizzato dai team addetti alle app aziendali. In seguito ...
在真正的微服务应用程序中,服务之间不应该存在部署依赖关系。 应该可以按任意顺序部署服务 A、B 和 C,因为它们具有松散耦合性。 但实际上,有时需要同时跨多个存储库进行更改。 例如,更新库以关闭安全漏洞或更改所有服务使用的通信协议。若要进行跨存储库更改,需要连续向每个库提交更改。 每个存储库中的每个更改都...
HAProxy是法国开发者威利塔罗(Willy Tarreau)在2000年使用C语言开发的一个开源软件,是一款具备高并发(一万以上)、高性能的TCP和HTTP负载均衡器,支持基于cookie的持久性,自动故障切换,支持正则表达式及web状态统计,目前最新TLS版本为2.0 Keepalived教程 keepalived 是vrrp协议的软件实现,原生设计目的为了高可用ipvs服务 更多...
From planning to production, bring teams together in one application. Ship secure code more efficiently to deliver value faster.
c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, regardless of how they are packaged....