8followers https://jscs-dev.github.io Popular repositoriesLoading node-jscsnode-jscsPublic archive ⤴️JavaScript Code Style checker (unmaintained) JavaScript5k511 gulp-jscsgulp-jscsPublic Check JavaScript code style with jscs JavaScript31251 ...
ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, SAP Hana, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms. - devnoff/typeorm
node-dev server.js TypeScript support You can use node-dev to watch and restart TypeScript projects. Installts-nodeas dev-dependency, then use node-dev to run your script: node-dev src/server.ts Command-line options There are a couple of command-line options that can be used to control...
营销平台 聚合全量应用场景,具备更精准的人群匹配度,领跑厂商营销服务,助力最大化广告效果 查看更多 游戏联运 依托平台高效的分发能力、精细化运营体系以及便捷的开发者服务,助力游戏开发者扩大玩家规模,实现收入增长 了解详情 广告联盟 通过多元产品形态、强大的技术能力及贴心的服务,为开发者提供专业的商业化变现方案...
客户node节点vdb盘受损,通过重置节点,无法恢复节点。 问题过程: 在一个正常的node节点上,删除lv,删除vg,节点不可用。 重置异常节点,重置过程中,报语法错误,而且节点不可用。 如下图: 问题定位 node节点中vg被删除或者损坏无法识别,为了避免重置的时候误格式化用户的数据盘,需要先手动恢复vg,这样重置的时候就不会去...
代理现在可以运行 Node 6 和 Node 10 任务。 在将来的更新中,我们将完全从代理中删除 Node 6。 为了准备从代理中删除 Node 6,我们请求更新内部扩展和自定义任务,以便尽快使用 Node 10。 若要将 Node 10 用于任务,请在你的task.json下,从Node中更新到Node10execution。
(Standard system devices) Provider name is Microsoft Driver date is 7/1/2001 Driver version is 5.1.2535.0 Driver node rank is 0 Driver node flags are 00002240 Inf is digitally signed ROOT\MEDIA\MS_MMVID Name: Video Codecs DriverNode #0: Inf file is c:\windows\inf\wave.inf Inf section...
Node Package Manager (NPM) is used for downloading external dependencies, such as the Typings library, required for TypeScript IntelliSense. We leverage the ability of NPM to define a basic set of scripts for initializing the development environment. A dose of consistency ensur...
(http://fabfiber.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/Fabrikam-Fiber-Git/_apps/hub/ms.azure-devops-releaseManagement-web.hub-explorer?_a=environment-summary&definitionEnvironmentId=8&definitionId=1) Succeeded." }, "detailedMessage": { "text": "Deployment of release Release-1 on environment Dev ...
DevDocs is made of two pieces: a Ruby scraper that generates the documentation and metadata, and a JavaScript app powered by a small Sinatra app. DevDocs requires Ruby 3.3.0 (defined in Gemfile), libcurl, and a JavaScript runtime supported by ExecJS (included in OS X and Windows; Node....