include <iostream> using namespace std;int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ cout << "Hello world!" << endl;return 0;}
1.没有保存或没有编译等诸如此类没有做准备工作的原因;2.如果不行,关掉Dev c++重来;3.如果实在不行,我也无能为力。我用Dev c++试了一下,在我这边用Dev c++可以编译与调试,也可以执行,可能是你那边出了些小问题,把电脑或Dev c++软件重启一下,应该就没问题了,问题不在于程序。
在Windows 环境中,我们运行 Dev-C++ 并在头文件写#include<bits/extc++.h>时,经常会收到[Error] iconv.h: No such file or directory的编译报错。 所以为了代替他,我们会写很多 #include<ext/pb_ds/hash_policy.hpp>#include<ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp> ...
行1列21C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\002.cpp[Error]directory iostream.h:No such file or 52C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\002.cpp[Note]suggestedalternative:10C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\002.cppInfileincludedfrom4C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\002.cpp6218f:\下载1\dev-cpp\mingw32\lib\gcc\mingw32\...
装了5.4.1之后变成 C:\Users\whr\Desktop\Files\C++\YY\g++.exe [Error] xxxx.cpp: No such file or directory 怎么办 分享1赞 c语言吧 sr😘😜 devc++,为什么什么都运行不出来 分享5赞 dev吧 大浣熊卡里 求助求助devc++5.11怎么设置自动补全?rt 救救孩子吧 这周比赛指定dev5.11 分享22 c语言吧 重阳...
or <iostream> instead of the deprecated header <iostream.h>. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated.D:\- C++\Untitled1.cpp:2:21: graphics.h: No such file or directory D:\- C++\Untitled1.cpp:11: error: `main' must return `int'D:\- C++\Untitled1.cpp: In function `intmain(...
In the .cpp file I am trying to include my header file but I am getting the message "no such file or directory. I believe it is because I am not telling the IDE where the file is but I am unsure how to do that.Am I doing it correctly and how do I tell the IDE where to ...
I've included the recommended test code below, when I try to compile it says there's no such file or directory for Eigen/Dense 12345678910111213 #include <iostream> #include <Eigen/Dense> using Eigen::MatrixXd; int main() { MatrixXd m(2,2); m(0,0) = 3; m(1,0) = 2.5; m(0...