Root users: Steam IDs separated by , that can execute blacklisted commands. Can't be set withdev_configcommand. Substitution system (default:$$, key:substitution): Enables parameter substitution (with$$). Wrapping (default:", key:wrapping): Allows using space bars in command parameters. ...
Root users: Steam IDs separated by , that can execute blacklisted commands. Can't be set withdev_configcommand. Substitution system (default:$$, key:substitution): Enables parameter substitution (with$$). Wrapping (default:", key:wrapping): Allows using space bars in command parameters. ...
JereKuusela/valheim-devPublic NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork9 Star17 main 1Branch0Tags Code README Unlicense license Server Devcommands Allows devcommands and utilities for server admins. Some features and commands require also installing the mod on the server...