Fixed tabs of deleted files incorrectly showing as modified in some cases Fixed word wrap wrapping early in some cases API: Added Window.num_views_in_group API: Fixed inconsistent focus after Window.open_file Mac: Better support for running as root Mac: Added workaround for Monterey bug causin...
安装好pydev后新建python项目时提示”Project interpreter not specified“的错误,这是因为没有导入python开发环境所致 解决方法如下: 1.找到eclipse--->window--->freference.找到左侧栏边得pydev,展开,点击Interpreter-Python。 2.在右侧找到New,名字可以不命名,找到python安装路径,Windows是c:\python26(Ubuntu的默认...
Schedule incorrectly discarded when sunrise or sunset flag was not set 24ebcb84 Visual bug w/ password reveal button when using narrow screen 4c005fa9 Changed Median filter uses REPORT counter as window, not a fixed size of 3. Values are reported as-is until internal buffers are filled, me...
Fixed: Status bar not showing all text. Fixed: Debug/CPU Window hex column issue. Fixed: Closing tabs in editor side by side view. Version 6.2 - 13 November 2020 Added: 5 new UI styles. Windows 10 Black Pearl, Glossy, Calypso, Flat UI Light, Material Patterns Blue ...
Run the update command PS C:\Program Files\{TFS Version Folder}\Search\zip> .\Configure-TFSSearch.ps1 -Operation update as provided in the readme file. It may return a warning like: Unable to connect to the remote server. Don't close the window, as the update is performing retries unti...
Hi guys, i'm using window 11 dev-channel, i want to switch to beta channel but i can't. The beta channel button is not available for me to click in, can...
Run the update command PS C:\Program Files\{TFS Version Folder}\Search\zip> .\Configure-TFSSearch.ps1 -Operation update as provided in the readme file. It may return a warning like: Unable to connect to the remote server. Don't close the window, as the update is performing retries unti...
Edge - Version 96.0.1028.0.Every time when trying to pay or change card info - Edge crash.This is from about a Month. Card dialog window appear on...
When a fetch request fails, it will throw a VssServerError. Failure is defined as a request that made it to the server, and the server successfully responded with a failure. This will be any status return that is not a status code in the success range (200-299). RestClientRequestParams...
Run the update command PS C:\Program Files\{TFS Version Folder}\Search\zip> .\Configure-TFSSearch.ps1 -Operation update as provided in the readme file. It may return a warning like: Unable to connect to the remote server. Don't close the window, as the update is performing retries unti...