I signed up for their Glasfaser service without realising how long it would take to complete the process. They made me wait an entire month, claiming they needed my landlord's approval to proceed with the installation. Then, on the day of the scheduled landlord appointment, they cancelled it...
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Corporate Digital Responsibility @Deutsche Telekom Unser Selbstverständnis für Digitale Verantwortung Inhalt 01 | Vorwort CEO 02 | Unser Antrieb 03 | Unser Ansatz 04 | Unsere Handlungsfelder Digitale Ethik Digitale Teilhabe Zukunft der Arbeit Klima- & Ressourcenschutz 05 | Aktivitätenliste Vorwort...
Telekom Talent Club - Dein Karrieresprungbrett Blog.Telekom 13.01.2025 Frauen@Technik: Potenziale entfalten 2 Wochen Blog.Telekom 06.01.2025 Mein Sommer als Volontär - legendär 3 Wochen Blog.Telekom 18.12.2024 Vom Kundenservice zur Baustelle: Daniel liebt die... ...
DEUTSCHE TELEKOM THE 2019 FINANCIAL YEAR =pq 2 SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA OF THE GROUP billions of € Change compared to prior year % 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 REVENUE AND EARNINGS Net revenue 6.4 80.5 75.7 74.9 73.1 69.2 62.7 60.1 58.2 Of which: domestic Of which: international...