FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Deutsche Bank has raised its forecast for bad loans against the backdrop of a weak German economy, as the bank returned to profit in the third quarter, boosted by investment banking and a cut in reserves for Postbank lawsuits. This marked the second time in the ...
Deutsche has among the biggest exposures to CRE among European lenders, although analysts say big banks in general have fairly contained and manageable exposure to the sector. The bank booked charges tied to loans for 476 million euros in the second quarter, more than analysts had ...
Eine 2008 von der Weltbank eingesetzte hochrangige Expertenkommission kam seinerzeit zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Aussichten für eine globale Transformation gut seien. Die Zahl der Menschen, die in Volkswirtschaften lebten, die hohe Wachstumsraten aufwiesen oder die ein Pro-Kopf-Einkommen auf...
President Obama will nominate Deutsche Bank economist Adam Sieminski to head the Energy Information Administration, the federal agency that produces closely watched analyses of U.
President Obama will nominate Deutsche Bank economist Adam Sieminski to head the Energy Information Administration, the federal agency that produces closely watched analyses of U.