01 早买 提前买票永远是便宜的,很容易买到Super Preis的早鸟票,ICE经常只要19.9,有一张Bahncard25折后14.9美滋滋。 快车,德铁的长途车,停靠站相对较少,主要有 ICE、IC/EC。慢车,德铁的短途车,停靠站相对较多,主要有 RB、RE、IRE。 S线,S-Bahn,一种连接大城市与周边地区或相邻城市的短途火车,同属德铁,在本文...
瑞典Göteborg槍擊案: 造成多起死傷,但警方已排除恐怖攻擊。 長途巴士威脅德鐵生存: 德國長途通勤巴士的興起,讓德鐵的業績持續下滑,一方面也反映鐵路票價居高不下。Deutsche Bahn試圖推出新Bahncard挽回乘客的心。 Deutsche Bahn
Shop: deutsche bahn 【德国欧洲杯球迷BahnCard 25 三个月仅19.90欧!如果德国队夺冠,再免费送一年!!!】德国的公共交通四通八达,火车往往是出行的首选方式。如果持有BahnCard 25,则可以在票价的基础上优惠25%。长此以往也能省下不小的一笔开销呢~会精打细算过日子的小伙伴们必须人手一张啊!提醒一下,Bahncard不...
Deutsche Bahn: int.bahn.de - Your mobility portal for travelling by rail. Information, train tickets, online tickets, regional day tickets, low-cost offers for holidays and travel.
Deutsche Bahn是德国的主要 火车 运营商,每天运营约40, 000个 火车 班次。Deutsche Bahn提供多样化的票务类型,包括超级优惠、优惠和灵活等多种不同票价选项,以及Bahncard 25、50和100等折扣卡,这些都可用于您 从 巴黎 出发前往 纽伦堡 的 火车 旅程。Deutsche Bahn运营多种火车类型,包括ICE(城际快车)、IC(城际列车...
Number of BahnCard 25 owners Deutsche Bahn operating performance in passenger rail Number of seats in the Deutsche Bahn fleet Number of Deutsche Bahn BahnBonus program members Infrastructure Number of Deutsche Bahn passenger locomotives Number of Deutsche Bahn ICE trains Number of Deutsche Ba...
Deutsche Bahn Querying and Booking Train Connections Major Customer Ticket BahnCard Display Price Overview for a Trip Booking Travel Services Issuing a Ticket Canceling/Deleting Travel Services (Planning Manager) Travel Manager: Booking Travel Services Third-Party Travel Planning Technical Pre...
Deutsche Bahn is well-known for its wide range of fares like Super Saver, Saver, and Flexible and discount cards like the Bahncard 25, 50 and 100, which you can also use for your Copenhagen to Lübeck train. Train information from Copenhagen to Lübeck with Deutsche Bahn: Average Duration:...
Deutsche Bahn is well-known for its wide range of fares like Super Saver, Saver, and Flexible and discount cards like the Bahncard 25, 50 and 100, which you can also use for your Zurich to Dortmund train. Deutsche Bahn from Zurich to Dortmund train information: Average Duration: 6 h 2 ...
Deutsche Bahn (DB) is the main provider of train services in Germany, making on average 40,000 journeys per day. A special feature of Deutsche Bahn is its wide range of ticket types, savings offers including Super Saver, Saver, and Flexible fares and discount cards like the Bahncard 25, ...