视频ID: PMzTSiHXR5i37lg 更新时间: 2025-01-06 01:27 文件格式: mov 分辨率: HD、SD 宽高比: 16:9 是否包含AI生成内容: 否 使用建议: 新片场提供棕色女性德国线发指针(Deutsch Drahthaar)挖洞。的实拍视频素材免费下载。适用于挖洞,jon deutsch,德国短毛指针,指针,挖洞狗等主题的视频内容创作。 个人...
“wirehair” in German), as registered by the American Kennel Club, have not been bred for much except bird hunting, but Drahthaars bred by members of the Verein Deutsch Drahthaar/Group North America (German registered) still are tested for widely versatile talents…. -Larry Mueller, Hunting...
123 Dilmunfast Deutsch Drahthaar We are a small Deutsch Drahthaar kennel located in Eastern Arkansas. Our purpose is simple – To produce superior versatile hunting dogs bred for the Hunter and to provide wonderful companion dogs for the family. ...
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The ultimate field test for the fully trained Drahthaar is the Utility Test (VGP). This test allows evaluation in 26 categories, and 18 different hunting situations. This test is a comprehensive evaluation of the dog’s performance. Obedience is emphasized in the VGP, however, natural ability ...
When translated to English Drahthaar means Wirehair, the word Pointer is added as an addition but not used in Germany to describe the breed.German Wirehaired Pointer is the English term. Most are Registered as Drahthaars in Europe. However the Mother club have their own Registration and the...
Deutsch drahthaar in summer field ID:1415445794 收藏 加入清单 下载 版权Aliona Ermolaeva TIFF大小 44.7MB 格式JPG 以图搜图 大图:4842×3228像素·41cm ×27.33cm·300dpi·JPG 中图:1000×667像素·35.28cm ×23.53cm·72dpi·JPG 小图:500×334像素·17.64cm ×11.78cm·72dpi·JPG...
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Deutsch Drahthaar: bred to work as companions in the field and live well at home with hunters and their families.