It is God’s creative word that gives to all things their definition and meaning, and man must interpret all things in imitation of the interpretation God assigns them. In this respect the Mosaic dietary rules resembled the probationary proscription of the fruit of the tree of knowledge in Ed...
He might have killed his friend without meaning to, a friend he did not hate in the past. 5 He could have gone among the trees with his friend to cut wood. As he was using his ax to cut down a tree, the ax head could have come off the stick and hit his friend, killing him...
God-given perception of the nature and meaning of things, resulting in sound... 8365 wisdom, nature of human 8365 wisdom, nature of human The human quality which enables the planning and successful... 8402 claims 8402 claims The assertion of rights...
16你们清楚知道我们怎样在埃及地住过,怎样从列国中经过;17你们也见过他们的可憎之物,和他们那里那些木、石、金、银的偶像。18恐怕你们中间有男人或女人,家族或支派,今日心里偏离了耶和华我们的 神,去事奉那些国的神,又恐怕你们中间有恶根,生出毒草和苦堇来;19如果人听了这咒诅的话,心里仍然自夸说:‘我虽然照着...