酒店、医院、餐厅、家庭等卫生消毒。 【主要成分】 对氯间二甲苯酚(PCMX),呈无色或咖啡色液体 【使用方法】 皮肤消毒 轻度割伤、擦伤:取1瓶盖(20ml)加入416毫升水,有效浓度为0.22%(w/v),清洗伤口3-5分钟,然后用干纱布或绷带包扎。 衣物消毒 漂洗、机洗,在洗涤过程中按1:52比例加入原液。
酒店、医院、餐厅、家庭等卫生消毒。 【主要成分】 对氯间二甲苯酚(PCMX),呈无色或咖啡色液体 【使用方法】 皮肤消毒 轻度割伤、擦伤:取1瓶盖(20ml)加入416毫升水,有效浓度为0.22%(w/v),清洗伤口3-5分钟,然后用干纱布或绷带包扎。 衣物消毒 漂洗、机洗,在洗涤过程中按1:52比例加入原液。
Dettol Antiseptic Antibacterial Disinfectant Liquid 750ml $16.16 Seller Don't Pay $19.04 Dettol Hand Wash Pump Aloe Vera 250mL Vitamin E Antibacterial Liquid $4.60 Seller Don't Pay $6.97 Dettol Citrus Fresh Bar Soap 100g 3PK $5.76 Seller Don't Pay ...
Superdrug官网上的Dettol滴露产品正在打折,买一送一,第二件半价!以下是我强烈推荐的两款产品: 滴露液体杀菌消毒剂(Dettol Liquid Antiseptic Disinfectant) 洗衣服时:每次洗衣服时,我都会在洗衣机里倒一些这个消毒剂,和洗衣粉一起混合洗,这样可以起到一定的抗菌效果。 自制消毒喷雾:把它倒进喷壶里,按照1:3的比例(...
Dettol Antiseptic Disinfectant Liquid 750 Ml Dettol LiquidChloroxylenol 4.8% w/vDettol Liquid is an effective concentrated antiseptic solution that kills bacteria and protects against the germs which can cause infection and illness. It can be used for antiseptic cleansing of minor wounds caused by cuts...
Gatekeeping may be a thing of the past, especially in the beauty world. If you’ve been MIA, TikTok’s #beautytok has declared Dettol antiseptic the new must-have beauty product. If you’re Jamaican like me—or have an African orCaribbean background—you know that Dettol is a ...
Dettol Liquid. Contains Chloroxylenol. For Antiseptic cleansing of minor wounds caused by cuts, bites, grazes, insect stings and for personal hygiene. Always read the label. 規格參數 品牌滴露 品牌屬地中國 淨含量500ml Net Content500ml 免責聲明 ...
FIRST AID ANTISEPTIC 16.90 FL.OZ. (500ml) Manufactured in Britain by: Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (UK) Ltd. Hull, England HU8 7DS #0031023 DETTOL FIRST AID ANTISEPTIC chloroxylenol solution Product Information Product TypeHUMAN OTC DRUGItem Code (Source)NDC:52031-0875 ...
英国DETTOL滴露 家居温和不刺激杀菌消毒液 多功能洗衣服室内除螨 大小瓶装 750ml+250ml 5.0(4) ·周销量 50+ $15.99$19.7881折 已售完 商品卖点 安心配方,无磷环保,无荧光增白剂 鲜亮如新,非漂水配方不易导致衣物褪色 添加表面活性剂,深入渗透衣物纤维,辅助洗涤 ...
Step-by-Step Solution:1. Understanding Dettol: - Dettol is a well-known antiseptic used to prevent the growth of microorganisms and can also kill them. - Antiseptics are substances that can be safely app