It is not uncommon to hear that someone have bought a license or had some traffic trouble solved or a fine canceled using bribery, under the hood. The corruption winners are: DetranRio de Janeiro, followed by Detran São Paulo and DetranRio Grande do Sul. Okay, that may be just hallw...
The scenario used was the Coordination of Programmatic Area 5.3, located in the neighborhood of Santa Cruz - Rio de Janeiro. Participants surveyed were 12 users who defined themselves as transsexual who reside there, who have already passed and who intend to or not go through the process of ...
2007. Gasto social no Brasil: programas de transferencia de renda versus investimento social. Ciencia & Saude Coletiva 12, no. 6: 1463-76.LAVINAS, L. Gasto social no Brasil: programas de transferencia de renda versus investimento social. Ciencia e Saude Coletiva, Rio de Janeiro, v. 12,...