The bottomline is that a detox diet does not have to be confusing, and it should not be a terrible experience.Simply cutting out processed and inflammatory foods, refined sugar, alcohol and certain other foods and beverages that are part of the SAD (Standard American Diet), this is both in...
Home Addiction Treatment Detoxing From MethHow Can Diamond House Detox Help? At Diamond House Detox, we aim to help clients detox as safely and comfortably as possible, and we treat each person as an individual with unique needs. We understand how challenging it can be to go through ...
The big spring-clean Apparently, if you have a build-up of acidic substances - such as sugar, wheat, caffeine and alcohol - your body tries to protect itself by holding on to water to buffer the acidity. `By cutting these out, as well as feeling less bloated, you'll also feel emotion...
You could of course shave your head and your entire body including your eyebrows. Or you could try these two home remedies; the Jerry G method or the Macujo/Growman method. Like using a hair follicle detox shampoo, these home treatments will strip THC metabolites from your hair and help y...
The bottomline is that a detox diet does not have to be confusing, and it should not be a terrible experience.Simply cutting out processed and inflammatory foods, refined sugar, alcohol and certain other foods and beverages that are part of the SAD (Standard American Diet), this is both in...