Noun1.detonation- a violent release of energy caused by a chemical or nuclear reaction blowup,explosion discharge- the sudden giving off of energy airburst- an explosion in the atmosphere blast- an explosion (as of dynamite) backfire- a loud noise made by the explosion of fuel in the manifol...
A detonation is a large or powerful explosion. 2.引爆;起爆 Detonation is the action of causing a device such as a bomb to explode. detonation的解释 e.g. ...accidental detonation of nuclear weapons. 核武器的意外引爆 detonation 单语例句 ...
nuclear detonation detection and reporting systemAlso found in: Acronyms. nuclear detonation detection and reporting system A system deployed to provide surveillance coverage of critical friendly target areas, and indicate place, height of burst, yield, and ground zero of nuclear detonations. Also ...
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. ...
“dirty bomb” is not considered to be a nuclear device and the Nuclear Detonation Calculator would not be applicable to the detonation effects of such a device. Background Most of the material damage caused by a nuclear explosion at the surface or at a low or moderate altitude in the...
The explosion of an improvised nuclear device (IND), in any American city, would cause devastating physical and social impacts. These impacts would exceed the response capabilities of any city, state or region. Thepotential loss and suffering caused by an IND detonation can be dramatically reduced...
The Yamato cannon is a terrifying weapon that uses an intense magnetic field to focus a nuclear detonation into a cohesive beam of energy. 所向无敌的“大合炮”是种十分可怕的武器,它用强磁场把重核爆凝聚成一个能量束,形成炮火。 7. " Fire in the hole" is a warning used...
of a nuclear bomb. "All that speed and all that inertia turns any research platform, recon unit, or passenger aircraft into a potential kinetic weapon," writes Szondy. "They don't need high explosives to destroy a target. All they have to do is hit it. In other words, any hypersonic...
2024 The recorded data were then used in a computer model to scale up the effects on a much larger object using much higher energy levels, like experienced during the detonation of a one-megaton bomb (a relatively small nuclear device). David Bressan, Forbes, 25 Sep. 2024 The Tooele Army...
8.At the Peace Park in the Urakami District, a dark pillar stands under the exact location of the bomb’sdetonation. 长崎浦上 和平公园矗立 只深色柱子,位于炸弹引爆 确切地点。 「云手册」评价该例句:好评差评指正 传说之境 9.France would continue testing nuclear weapons in Polynesia for 11 more ...