presented that considers entities such as atoms, electrons, protons, reasoned (in existing physics theories) by induction, to be other than universal building blocks, but artifacts of a sociological struggle that in elemental description is identical with that of all processes of matter and energy....
The mapping between the number of photoelectrons (Npe) and the parti- cle deposited energy reflects the energy response of the LS detector, which is crucial to the spectral analysis of neutrino oscillations. Due to different energy deposition processes, energy response in LS is particle-dependent....
The H + : e (ratio of protons taken up to electrons transported; the value of this H + : e ratio should equal the number of sites of energy conservation (ATP formation) in the electron transport path) varies strongly with p H showing a maximum value of 6 at p H 6.0 using diquat ...
Elements differ in the number of protons in their nuclei. Hydrogen has 1, helium 2, lithium 3, oxygen 8, bromine 35 and gold 79. It might seem that this should be theprimarydeterminant of electronegativity, butit’s not. To illustrate: Fluorine has a mere 9 protons, while sodium has 11...
Physics of Particles and Nuclei LettersS. V. Borisov, S. A. Voronov, A. V. Karelin, 1 S. A. Koldobsky, and M. F. Runtso, "Determining the parameters of a particle shower initiated in an position sensitive calorimeter by electrons and protons," Phys. Part. Nucl. Lett. 7, 68-77...
the patchiness of surface charge at different interfaces deserves further investigation49. Our current models do not account for the possible binding of protons or hydroxide ions to the interface. Inserting the hydronium and hydroxide ion into the calculations and examining how it affects the charge ...
1. A method for determining at least part of the amino acid sequence of a protein; the method comprising: cleaving the protein into proteolytic peptides, ionizing the proteolytic peptides to generate peptide precursor ions, dissociating the peptide precursor ions utilizing tandem mass spectrometry in...
presented that considers entities such as atoms, electrons, protons, reasoned (in existing physics theories) by induction, to be other than universal building blocks, but artifacts of a sociological struggle that in elemental description is identical with that of all processes of matter and energy....
Applications to various other chemical processes, and to the measurement of density and temperature are indicated, while the penetrative radiation may consist of neutrons, alpha rays, electrons or protons.
The H + : e (ratio of protons taken up to electrons transported; the value of this H + : e ratio should equal the number of sites of energy conservation (ATP formation) in the electron transport path) varies strongly with p H showing a maximum value of 6 at p H 6.0 using diquat ...