Amey CH, Miller MK, Albrecht SL: The role of race and residence in determining stage at diagnosis of breast cancer. J Rural Health 13 :99-108, 1997.Amey CH, Miller MK, Albrecht SL (1997) The role of race and residence in determining stage at diagnosis of breast cancer. J Rural ...
Doctors use imaging tests — such as X-rays, MRI scans, and CT scans — and biopsy results to confirm cancer stage as part of amesothelioma diagnosis. CT scansare detailed images of the body used to find the exact cancer location and spread to determine the mesothelioma stage. ...
Estimated effect of breast self-examination and routine physician examinations on breast-cancer mortality. We examined the effects of breast self-examination and breast examination by physicians on the stage of at diagnosis. Clinical and pathological-staging inf... P Greenwald,PC Nasca,CE Lawrence,....
407 St John Street, London EC1V 4AD, UK; 5National Cancer Action Team, 18th Floor, Portland House, Bressenden Place, London SW1E 5RS, UK BACKGROUND: Cancer survival in England is lower than the European average, which has been at least partly attributed to later stage at diagnosis in ...
The second stage of the DLS, which provides slide-level biomarker status predictions, was developed (trained and tuned) using 2134 slides from 264 cases, and evaluated on a test set containing a total of 3274 slides from 1249 cases across a tertiary hospital and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA...
Gambacorti-Passerini C, Valletta S, Stasia A, Leeksma A, Sharma N, Rizzo C, Pogliani EM, Pirola A, Piazza R: CML patients present additional mutations in cancer related genes when tested at diagnosis [abstract]. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts). 2011, 118 (21): 2739- Google Scholar...
Parkinson’s disease is easy to diagnose when it is advanced, but it is very difficult to diagnose in its early stages. Early diagnosis is essential t
Severe obesity as an explanatory factor for the black/white difference in stage at diagnosis of breast cancer. The higher prevalence of severe obesity among black women may play an important role in explaining their relative disadvantage in stage at diagnosis of ......
Furthermore, TPD52 expression increased with cancer grade and was also found to be associated with brain cancer primary metastasis. Previously, TPD52 expression up-regulation with cancer stage progression was reported in breast cancer36. Additionally, TPD52 expression was found to be lower in brain...
A two-stage piloting process followed for both versions of the questionnaire. Draft questionnaires were sent to 56 (28 version 1 and 28 version 2) eligible cancer survivors, with 41 responses received and interviews held with eight respondents to assess ease of completion and obtain suggestions for...