GEOGRAPHIC information systemsSTRUCTURAL engineeringLIDARThe article shows all methods for determining the scale of a topographic map. the methods shown can be used when the scale is not displayed on the map.Ivanov, SabinJournal Scientific & Applied Research...
Population structure results within the supergene revealed that the divergence between alleles HB and HS pre-dates the divergence between the NEA and NWA regions (Figs.1and2). This could be due to an introgression of allele HB39,40. To test this hypothesis, we first computed a PCA within th...
({\gamma }_{c}\)is a size factor that is cell-specific but not gene-specific. Overall, our hierarchical model is given by (here, we simplified the model by fixing\({\gamma }_{c}\); see Eq. (2) in the Methods section for the complete model and Supplementary Note1for more ...
Determining the state of magma reservoirs is essential to mitigate volcanic hazards. However, geophysical methods lack the spatial resolution to quantify the volume of eruptible magma present in the system, and the study of the eruptive history of a volc
These compounds are a main factor for pleasant and unpleasant odours in an enclosed environment and high concentrations of these pollutants can compromise the health of passengers. Based on the signals corresponding to the concentrations of CO2 and VOCs, air quality can be classified into different ...
Ecological Niche Factor Analysis (ENFA), Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Maxent were selected to generate the predictive map of likely areas with increased depredation risk. ENFA was conducted using Biomapper v., Maxent using Maxent v. 3.3.3e and SVM using openModeller Desktop v....
44 In addition, pain catastrophizing creates maladaptive pain cognitions that can be a risk factor for developing depression, disability, and higher pain intensity.14, 43 As a result, a great deal of empirical research has focused on the important concept of catastrophizing when assessing painful ...
2.1 Kinematics of LLPs In the laboratory frame, the decay length of a particle with mean proper decay time τ (as measured in its own rest frame) is given by d = βγ cτ, (1) where γ = E/m = (1 − β2)−1/2 is the relativistic factor with β = v/c = | p|/E,...
11A) shows the three zinc finger domains at the C terminus and a Sin3A binding domain at the N terminus. The conserved Sin3A binding motif (AAECL, amino acids 12–16) shows repressor activity when bound with the Sin3A transcription factor61. Moreover, analysis using the Spider2 package...
The development of machine vision-based technologies to replace human labor for rapid and exact detection of agricultural product quality has received extensive attention. In this study, we describe a low-rank representation of jointly multi-modal bag-of