The magnification of a microscope describes the increase in apparent size of an object compared with its actual size. An object magnified 10 times (10X) appears 10 times larger than it really is. Total magnification is the product of the ocular lens magnification and the objective lens magnificat...
Water is central to humans and science in many ways. For example, think of units of measurement. Which of these are based on physical properties of water? How can you determine the total magnification of an object that you are observing with the microscope?
Images of VSV particles were collected on a Titan Krios G3i microscope (Thermo Fisher Scientific) operated at 300 kV, and equipped with a pre-camera energy filter (Gatan Image Filter) and K3 Summit direct detector (Gatan). The nominal magnification was 105 kx, corresponding to a ...
Scanning electron micrographs ofMortierella globalpinapathogenesis onMeloidogyne chitwoodinematodes. (a) Hyphae ofM.globalpinapenetrating egg ofM.chitwoodi. (b) Higher magnification of hyphae fromM.globalpinagrowing and penetrating egg ofM.chitwoodi(c) Hyphae fromM.globalpinagrowing insideM.chitwoodiegg and ...
Preserved samples were loaded on a Palmer counting cell and counted using a compound microscope (Nikon Eclipse 80i) at ×400 magnification. A minimum of eight frames (volume 2.4 × 10−5 mL per frame) and 400 cells were counted to calculate the cell density. The cell density was con...
All negative stain grids were imaged using a Technai T12 microscope fitted with a LaB6 filament operating at 120 kV with a nominal magnification of 30,000 × on a 2 k × 2 K Gatan CCD camera (Å/pixel value of 4.2). Micrographs were picked and reference free classes generated using ...
Scale bars: 10μm; magnification: 3μm. (D) Quantification of ELAV-dependent 3′ UTRs in the indicated mutant embryos compared to wild-type controls. mRNA-seq was performed on 18–22 h-old embryos. The statistical significance was calculated using the Mann-Whitney test. Images are single ...
Malaria parasitemia is commonly used as a measurement of the amount of parasites in the patient's blood and a crucial indicator for the degree of infection. Manual evaluation of Giemsa-stained thin blood smears under the microscope is onerous, time consu
After incubation for 18 h at 37 °C, the cells remaining on the upper surface of the membrane were removed with a cotton swab. Migrated and invaded cells were fixed in methanol, stained in 0.1% crystal violet, and then quantified from microscope at ×4 magnification. In the wound-...
After 11 h, migrated MABs on the lower side of the filter were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, stained with X-gal and counted using a phase microscope (five random fields of the lower face of the transwell membrane at  10 magnification). HUVECs were plated to confluence in insert for ...