According to a saying, forecasts are never accurate, therefore the challenge becomes, to choose a model that leads to the closest possible predictions. For this, errors like mean absolute deviation errors, mean squared error, root mean squared error, mean absolute percentage error etc. a...
Determine the quadrant in which the terminal side of \theta lies, given the following: cos(\theta) 0, \; sin(\theta) 0. Determine the quadrant in which the terminal side of \theta lies, given the following: cos(\theta) 0, \; tan(\theta) 0....
y = square root of (x + 2) Determine whether the equation defines y as a function of x. y = -17 Determine whether each equation defines y as a function of x: x=|2y| Find \frac{dy}{dx}, where y is defined as a function of x implicitly by the equation below. x^3 - x...
b) Determine two points on the ellipse at which the tangent is horizontal. Implicit Differentiation and Horizontal Tangents: (i) The implicit differentiation is used to find the derivative {eq}\frac{dy}{dx} {/eq},...
Answer to: Verify that the given point lies on the curve. Determine an equation of the line tangent to the curve at the given point. By signing up,...
This is particularly true in the food industry. The primary problem in the food industry is the complex matrix and the matrix dependence of the applicability of the methods due to their nature. This is particularly true for the analysis of a concept such as fruit ripeness. External ...
Table 7. Effects and performance of structural equation models for the path analysis of the relationships of the N and P loadings with the LAND and SOIL factors. Chi-square is-2 × log (the model likelihood value); nfi is the nonfuzzy index; srmr is the standardized root mean residual; ...
In typical virtual towing tanks, the principle of Galilean relativity is invoked to maintain the ship as fixed, while the surrounding water is prescribed to flow past it. This assumption may be identified, at least partly, as being responsible for the wide-scale adoption of computational ...
That is, the R2 values had values from acceptable to substantial, except for PSV, which is weak. Therefore, the values show that the variables of the present study explain an acceptable percentage of the variance of the WCHB. The overall model fit was measured using the root mean square ...