Golden ratioValidationCountless bibliometric indexes have been proposed to assess researchers' productivities, in particular, in fields where the author sequence is regarded helpful in determining authors' individual...doi:10.1007/s11192-017-2632-3Berker...
This equation shows that initial flows and stocks cannot be independently defined. Let us now assume that we want to define an initial government debt to GDP ratio (as we do in our calibration). Assuming that the initial GDP is defined previously, the initial government debt (B0) must ...
Therefore, we searched for an alternative way to obtain the value of all 3 parameters of the OM without a need to fit equation(s) that contain inter-bound parameters. The apparent maximal response response curve is given by the following equation. E'MAX observed as the upper asymptote of ...
agonist concentration and proportion of receptor occupancy is a mere function of agonist affinity for the given receptor. However, a gradual increase in receptor expression results in proportionally higher numbers (rather than relative proportion) of receptor-agonist complexes. A maximum response is event...
tissue oximetry. Improved results may be obtained when sensing a relatively big artery such as in the hand. If the device is place inside the ear channel, the blood oxygen saturation may be measured with a reflective method. The PWS (pulse wave velocity) can be expressed with the equation ...
This ratio is called reflectance (R) and is displayed in % (Figure 1). However, about one-quarter of the studied literature prefers a conversion of reflectance into a pseudo absorbance (pA; Equation (1)) analogue to the absorbance (A; Equation (2); also called extinction or optical ...
(AMR) for the flame front is employed, leading to 0.25 mm cells at the flame front location. Turbulence is modeled by the two-equation RANSk-𝜖ϵRNG turbulence model. Ignition is modeled by an energy deposition at the spark plug gap of 30 mj each for 0.6 CAD for breakdown phase and...
The total anthocyanin content was computed using the following equation: QAnthocyanins = (A530 − 0.2P5lan×ts A2016857, 7), ×x FFOWR P−E1E,RwREhVeIrEeWQAnthocyanins refers to the total anthocyanin content, A530 refer5s toof 1t6he absorption at 530 nm, A657 refers to the absorption...
Table 3. LC50 regression equation results (mortality of C. auratus). The toxicity test performed was considered valid from the fish survivability point of view, as no mortalities were recorded in the control batch [31]. All water quality parameters (temperature, salinity, pH, DO, nutrients)...
Equation (5) is also known as the Maxwell stress tensor [14,15]. When i = j, the three orthogonal directions that were discussed in the introduction, namely <110>, <111> and <112>, will be given by the matrix elements ε11, ε22 and ε33, respectively and are called the electric...