List two factors that might cause your resting heart rate to be higher than normal. Keep in mind that resting heart rate does not include any activity. How does the ECG vary and what is occurring during these conditions: junctional rhythm, second degre...
The reason that we use Max HR to set training zones is that it's a fixed number and doesn't change. Your resting heart rate changes and drops when you get fitter. Your anaerobic threshold heart rate changes and increases when you get fitter. Using either of those two numbers to set zon...
Resting blood pressure (BP), resting heart rate (RHR), clinical safety markers, body weight (BW), and body composition were assessed during each testing session. Repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed a significant effect for time relative to BW, total body fat mass (FM), ...
The heart rate data were then converted into oxygen consumption (VO2, mlO2 min-1 kg-1) and/or energy expenditure (W/kg) using equations that had been derived from calibration experiments. In these experiments the relationships between fH and VO2 were determined in animals at rest and while...
Microglial cell extraction was performed as previously described using methods that have been widely validated for obtaining a resting microglial profile67,68. Briefly, cohorts of female (n ¼ 8 per group) and male mice (n ¼ 16 per group) were placed on chow or HFD for 3 months. After...
2c). However, a PLC activity assay revealed higher resting (i.e., in the absence of CNO) levels of inositol phosphates in cultured astrocytes expressing DREADDGq (Fig. 2d). Moreover, DREADDGq expression was also found to be associated with a higher rate of spontaneous fusion of quinacrine...
(rats). Vesicular release mechanisms in astrocytes were disrupted by virally driven expression of either the dominant-negative SNARE protein or light chain of tetanus toxin. We show that blockade of vesicular release in preBötC astrocytes reduces the resting breathing rate and frequency of ...
Describe why an untrained person's heart rate and breathing rate would take longer to return to a resting rate compared to a person who is in good physical condition. Fill in the blank. The most important factor that determines how much O_2, binds to hemoglob...
it also included the DE p value and the detection rate, which are strongly indicative of genes that are broadly expressed. The second block contained the FC and the FC of detection rate and intuitively mapped to the notion of signal-to-noise ratio. The lack of correlation between the two ...
You often hear that exercise that produces an afterburn can elevate your resting metabolism for days. Realistically, the length of time that your metabolism stays elevated is no more than 24 hours. Still, if it happens several times a week, it adds up. The scientific term for the afterbu...