principal stressesBarkhausen-effect methodbiaxial tensionmagnetic-noise method/ A4630R Mechanical measurement methods and techniques for solids A7560E Magnetization curves, hysteresis, Barkhausen and related effects/ Fe/ss C /ssRoot-mean-square stresses of Barkhausen noise (BN) and amplitudes of the ...
For example, one would expect the orientation of principal stresses to be affected by topography in the shallow subsurface. Alternatively, as salt bodies at depth could introduce boundaries with near-zero shear strength at an arbitrary orientation, their presence would result in one principal stresses...
This indicates that tensile fractures of intact rock were not being created, but pre-existing fractures were being re-opened and developed in the direction of the maximum horizontal principal stress, although microseismic events were caused by shear failures. 展开 ...
The residual stresses present in nickel oxide scales formed on the alloys containing the additions are significantly higher than those in the nickel oxide scale formed on pure nickel. It is proposed that the principal cause of this increase in stress is associated with oxide grain refinement due ...
S. G. Lekhnitskii, “A theoretical investigation of the stresses in the elastic anisotropic rock near an underground working of elliptical cross section,” Trudy VNIMI, No. 45, Leningrad (1962). M. F. Skorikova, “Anisotropy in the elastic properties of rocks in the island of Sakhalin,”...
The reason I ask is that by removing material 'in front of' the crack (a series of decreasing circles, the axis along the line of principal stress), the stress concentration at the crack tip can be reduced dramatically. Not that that is what we approved for the particular problem above ...
The maximum stresses in the caps and cross-heads of a roll housing of a two-high rolling stand with a diameter of 820 and a length of 1400 mm were determined on three substitute models. Comparison of the results with stress strain measurements showed considerable differences. Reasons are analyz...
Application of this method confirms the results derived with the analysis described above. Additionally, the evaluation of the orientation of the fractures with respect to the wellbore axis indicates that over major depth sections of the investigated wells the vertical stress is a principal stress. ...
[21].,The initial in situ stress is uniformly distributed within the com-putational domain and the two principal stresses (minor and major principal stresses) act in horizontal and vertical direc-tions,out-of-plane stress is intermediate principal stress. The mechanical properties of rocks into ...
When working with stresses in the Earth we often assume that the direction of one of the principal stresses is vertical because the surface is essentially a free boundary and because the stress generating acceleration of gravity g is directed downwards. Under this paradigm, this principal stress is...