Self-directionSelf-directed careSocial determinants of health—defined by the World Health Organization as "the social factors and physical conditions of the environment in which people are born, live, learn, play, work, and age"—are increasingly discussed as having relevance in community mental ...
Social determinants of health, defined as the conditions in which youth grow and develop, strongly influence health outcomes for youth from racially and ethnically diverse communities and contribute to health disparities. Five broad categories of social determinants within which youth may experience ...
The term ‘determinants of health’ was introduced in the 1970s and it refers to those factors that have a significant influence, whether positive or negative, on health. The term should not imply a cause–effect relationship between arisk factorand ahealth status. Health is the result of mul...
The cognitive-behavioral (health-belief, social cognitive, peer support), risk-taking, and stress/coping models were examined as predictors of safer sex practices among (141 gay and bisexual male adolescents seeking services at a gay-identified social service agency. Safer sex practices, defined as...
The health insur- ance status of participants was defined as "yes" or "no" for respectively, having or not health insurance. Access to healthcare was defined as responding "yes" to having a regular place for healthcare, or that "there is no place", or "there is more than one place"...
We often think of health in medical terms, but it is also politically and socially determined. Health relates to education, housing, employment, neighbourhoods, access to care, and much more. Social determinants of health are important, but aren’t always concretely defined. MAXQDA can help iden...
Jonathan Gruber, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: They say that success has many fathers—and one clear share of paternity for the incredibly successful field of health economics belongs to Grossman. His work on health capital defined the framework for economists' modeling health outcomes, and ...
SocialDeterminantsofHealth andAging:theepidemiologic transitioninhealth LisaFBerkmanPh.D. CabotProfessorofPublicPolicyand Epidemiology HarvardUniversity Figure6: THEINCREASINGBURDENOFCHRONICNONCOMMUNICABLE DISEASES:2002-2030 Source:LopezAD,MathersCD,EzzatiM,JamisonDT,MurrayCJL,eds.GlobalBurdenofDiseaseand ...
Integrating specialty pharmacy staff into oncology, neurology, rheumatology, and other specialty clinics within their health systems is a growing trend with a range of beneficial outcomes. Defined as “the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age,”1the impact of social dete...
SocialDeterminantsofHealth:AcademicPerspectives Itisoneofthegreatestofcontemporarysocialinjusticesthatpeoplewholiveinthemostdisadvantagedcircumstanceshavemoreillnesses,moredisabilityandshorterlivesthanthosewhoaremoreaffluent.--Benzeval,Judge,&Whitehead,1995,p.xxi,TacklingInequalitiesinHealth:AnAgendaforAction.Canadian...