Public Health Agency Of CanadaSee for example "Food Security as a Determinant of Health", A summary is primarily based on papers and presentations by Lynn McIntyre, Professor, Faculty of Health Professions, Dalhousie University and Valerie Tarasuk, Associate Professor in the Department of Nutritional...
The Hispanic/Latino population is the largest minority group in the USA. Research has documented health disadvantages of undocumented Latinos/Hispanics compared to their documented counterparts. The economic and social conditions that influence immigrant health may operate differently for undocumented immigrants...
and many more with limited legal status, who are vulnerable to political, legal, and structural factors predisposing them to poor health outcomes. Many of these factors are beyond the control of the emergency
education course on social determinants of health Martine C Lévesque1,2*, Alissa Levine2 and Christophe Bedos2,3 Abstract Background: Front line providers of care are frequently lacking in knowledge on and sensitivity to social and structural determinants of underprivileged patients' health. Developin...
Many, if not most, of the proposed economic and social determinants of VE, such as, country income status, living conditions, access to healthcare, appear to act indirectly and non-specifically on VE; whereas many but not all biological factors, such as co-infections, malnutrition, and ...
In the present study, the lower blood pressure (BP) value was used to classify participants into three non-hypertensive JNC VI/World Health Organization–International Society of Hypertension (WHO-ISH) BP categories: optimum (SBP< 120 mmHg and DBP< 80 mmHg), normal (SBP 120– 129 mmHg or ...
A statement for healthcare professionals from the nutrition committee, American Heart Association Circulation, 99 (1999), pp. 178-182 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 17. Bautista L.E., Arenas I.A., Penuela A., Martinez L.X. Total plasma homocysteine level and risk of cardiovascular disease: a...
Article: Immuno-detection of the virulence determinant OmpX at the cell surface of Enterobacter cloacae
Public health expenditure is effective in reducing dengue cases in certain regions but is less impactful in others, underscoring the importance of efficient resource allocation and governance. Finally, meteorological factors, notably higher temperatures, correlate with higher dengue incidence, while heavy ...
A report from the restless legs syndrome diagnosis and epidemiology workshop at the National Institutes of Health. Sleep Med 4, 101–119 (2003). 54. Walters, A. S. et al. Validation of the International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group rating scale for restless legs syndrome. Sleep Med 4...