A matrix is a set of numbers that are ordered by rows and columns. The size of a matrix depending on the number of rows and columns is known as order. Depending on the type of order that a matrix has, we can perform operations such as additions or multiplications of matrices. This set...
Determinant of Matrix: Although we have several matrices such as row matrices, column matrices, square matrices, and so on, we can only calculate the determinant of a square matrix. For2×2matrixA2×2=(abcd), the determinant is: D2×2=(a×d)−(c×b) ...
a 3x4! but is there anyway for me to solve the following system other then row reduction or augmenting it with the idenity matrix? Thanks! Sure there is. Use Cramer's Rule, where's a link: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/CramersRule.html Oct 28, 2005 #3 HallsofIv...