2天前 Verkehrtes Leben: Spiegelbakterien könnten die Medizin revolutionieren — doch Forschende warnen vor unkontrollierbaren Risiken für Mensch und Natur. Hier entlang geht’s zu den Links unserer Werbepartner: https://detektor.fm/werbepartner/spektrum-der-wissenschaft (00:00:40) Begrüß...
Online CO2 emissionsrapportering Reducer afbrydelser og øg oppetid Reducer omkostninger og spar energi hver dag ved at finde og rette delvis udladning PDQ Mode™ til registrering og analyse af delvis udladning Læs mere Download produktmanualenDownload dataark ...
(9a-9d) are set within a range of the following standard values +/- about 5 %: Optical filter for use in HC: Central wavelength: 3.4 mu m; Half-bandwidth: 8.6 % Optical filter for use in CO2: Central wavelength: 4.3 mu m: Half-bandwidth: 4.2 % Optical filter for use in CO: ...
(9a-9d) are set within a range of the following standard values +/- about 5 %: Optical filter for use in HC: Central wavelength: 3.4 mu m; Half-bandwidth: 8.6 % Optical filter for use in CO2: Central wavelength: 4.3 mu m: Half-bandwidth: 4.2 % Optical filter for use in CO: ...
reflector mirror, characterized by bringing a CO2 gas or a CO2 containing gas into contact with the reflector while the latter is in a cooled state, thereby condensing CO2 on the surface of the reflector mirror, and the subsequent step of heating the reflector mirror to vaporize the CO2 is ...