Detective Pikachu Returns, the sequel to 2016 Pokémon spinoffDetective Pikachu, is coming on October 21. Nintendo announced the sequel during its June 21 Nintendo Direct Showcase, which also included deep dives on other games likePikmin 4. Detective Pikachu Returns - Nintendo Direct 6.21.2023 The...
Be the first to contribute.Learn more Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content Top Gap What is the English language plot outline for Pokémon Detective Pikachu Sequel?Answer See more gaps Learn more about contributing Edit page More from this title Cast & crew Release date...
Everyone can celebrate as the budding duo has reunited. However, even this close to release, many Pokémon players are still unsure of the nature of the game. IsDetective Pikachu Returnsa remake or a sequel? You’re in luck. Image via Creatures We can officially confirm thatDetective Pikachu...
The first major announcement is that theDetective Pikachugame for 3DS will be receiving a sequel on Nintendo Switch. The original title ended with a cliffhanger and the new Switch game will be the conclusion to the story. Following a few small details on some real-life Pokemon destinations bein...
Detective Pikachu Returnshad everything in place to be a great follow-up to one of the last big 3DS titles, coming off the back of thePokémonfranchise’s first live-action blockbuster film and dropping on a successful console like the Nintendo Switch. Instead, we got a mixed bag of co...
Ultimately I would recommendDetective Pikachuon the grounds that you are taking your family with you, or you have some attachment to the game series. The ending is god awful and tropey as hell, but the journey there was enjoyable all the same....
The poster features an all-black background with a neon sign logo forDetective Pikachu. Pokemon is proudly displayed above the movie's title, with both Pokemon and Detective bathed in blue neon. Appropriately, Pikachu is yellow. Beyond that, it just boasts that the movie will hit theaters in...
We finally have an update on where things stand with the Detective Pikachu sequel, including who isn't attached to the project and whether Legendary Pictures is still involved. Read on for details...
Jonathan Krisel, meanwhile, remains in talks to directDetective Pikachu 2, meaning this movie could serve as a reunion for the duo after they co-created the aforementioned TV series. We know Ryan Reynolds is going to return in some capacity, but another A-Lister may have joined t...
Detective Pikachu Screenshots and Videos All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Detective Pikachu Start Slideshow Switch Detective Pikachu Returns: The Kotaku Review Despite simplistic gameplay, this adventure sequel offers one of the Pokémon world's best depictions yet Kenneth Shepard ...