Detective Pikachu Returns, the sequel to 2016 Pokémon spinoffDetective Pikachu, is coming on October 21. Nintendo announced the sequel during its June 21 Nintendo Direct Showcase, which also included deep dives on other games likePikmin 4. Detective Pikachu Returns - Nintendo Direct 6.21.2023 The...
You can ride around Ryme City on her back to find evidence for your cases. PREVNEXT Meet Unique Characters! Pikachu This gruff, tough-talking Pikachu loves coffee and calls himself a great detective. For some reason, Tim is the only one who can understand what Pikachu is saying. ...
The first spinoff series that needs to make a comeback is Pokémon Ranger, which hasn’t seen a new entry sincePokémon Ranger: Guardian Signsin 2010. In this side series for Nintendo DS, players were the titular Rangers instead of Pokémon trainers and served as ecological Peacekeepers for r...
but bringing in a new human protagonist would preserve all the strongest parts of the firstDetective Pikachu, while adding a fresh face to the sequel.
Detective Pikachu Returns: release date, trailers, gameplay, and more Detective Pikachu Returns welcomes fans back to Ryme City this fall Marvel World of Heroes is the next AR game from Pokémon Go studio Pokémon Go studio cancels four titles, including its Transformers game...