However, current automatic detection of offensive language primarily focuses on a few high-resource languages, leaving low-resource languages, such as Malay, with insufficient annotated corpora for effective detection. To address this, we propose a zero-shot, cross-language unsupervised o...
KUISAIL at SemEval-2020 Task 12: BERT-CNN for Offensive Speech Identification in Social Media. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, Barcelona (online), 12–13 December 2020; pp. 2054–2059. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Lin, T.; Goyal, P.; Girshick, R.B.; ...
Cyberbullying is one of the most serious ethical issues on the Internet, and the number of people who have been victims of cyberbullying, especially teenagers, is disturbing. Cyberbullying is described as any offensive action taken by persons toward a victim via online media. In order to ...
This trick can also help you avoid viewing content you may find offensive or steer clear of malicious code that a hacker might be sending. Don’t worry – if you would like to view images in an email from a trusted sender, you can still unblock downloads for a single message. Good to...
Social media has become one of the most popular medium of communication and the post may be predominantly unstructured, informal, and frequently misspelled. It has become increasingly common for users to use abusive language in their comments. Detecting offensive language on social media platforms and...
To explore the presence of offensive and hatred expressions in the corpus and to establish to what extent social users' language differs, depending on the type of Facebook pages analysed, we ran a topic model based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation. We have complemented this approach with tools ...
However, studies that aim to identify the fine-grained reasons (e.g., posts are offensive, hate speech, or no identifiable reason) behind deleted content are limited. In this study, we address an existing gap by identifying and categorizing deleted tweets, especially within the Arabic context....
With the spread of social networks for interacting on the Internet, and the use of fake profiles, hate posts towards other peoples have been increasing as social media expands. Consequently, these posts cause not only the use of offensive language but even lead to acts of physical violence [8...