运行C:\Work\cmake-3.20.5-windows-x86_64\bin 下的cmake-gui.exe。按图选择好配置。 然后点Configure,按图选择好选项点next,C选择gcc.exe,C++选择g++.exe 。点finish后等待 出现ConfiguringDone之后,找到ENABLE_CXX11,勾选,再点击一次Configure,等待Configuring Done,接着点Generate等待出现Generating done。 打开...
这段信息是一个 CMake 构建系统的输出,显示了在配置项目时出现的错误。根据日志内容,找不到 MySQL 库文件。解决此问题的方法是安装MySQL开发库和头文件。你可以尝试执行以下命令来安装相关依赖项: sudo apt-getinstall libmysqlclient-dev 这样应该能够解决缺少 MySQL 开发库的问题,并允许项目成功进行构建。 内容由零...
CSharp reference conflicts and question VS2019 Error - This ABI is no longer supported. VS2019 the specified path file name or both are too long error ! warning after update to Xamarin.forms 5.0 warning CS8002: Referenced assembly 'Xamarin.Forms.Xaml, Version=, Culture=neutral, Public...
@LucasZhang Thank you I added your code to info.plist. But nothing happened. cam screen is white.Thursday, June 20, 2019 7:17 AM@LucasZhang said: Did you add the following code in Appdelegate.cs in iOS project? ZXing.Net.Mobile.Forms.iOS.Platform.Init();...
@LucasZhang Thank you I added your code to info.plist. But nothing happened. cam screen is white.Thursday, June 20, 2019 7:17 AM@LucasZhang said: Did you add the following code in Appdelegate.cs in iOS project? ZXing.Net.Mobile.Forms.iOS.Platform.Init();...