Text hallucination detection from LLMs denotes a sub-case in this setting, where v is null.Dataset: MHalluBench StatisticTo advance this research trajectory, we introduce the meta-evaluation benchmark MHaluBench, which encompasses the content from image-to-text and text-to-image generation, ...
chatbot.mp4 🔥 🔈Speak to edit🎨: Whisper + ChatGPT + Grounded-SAM + SD🔥 Grounded-SAM: Semi-automatic Labeling System TipsIf you want to detect multiple objects in one sentence with Grounding DINO, we suggest seperating each name with . . An example: cat . dog . chair ....
YOLOV5.4,可能与之前版本不一样,但大同小异 general.py 1#YOLOv5 general utils23importglob4importlogging5importmath6importos7importplatform8importrandom9importre10importsubprocess11importtime12frompathlibimportPath1314importcv215importnumpy as np16importtorch17importtorchvision18importyaml1920fromutils.google_ut...
7 7 used a mp4 testing file of 20 minutes long with 48k hz au- dio sampling rate and 60 fps video sampling rate. For the segmentation, the I/O time is ∼ 9.8 seconds to load the full audio data and the CPU time is ∼ 4.7 seconds to search silent se...
WebUI for Segment-Anything and Grounded-SAM by Chengsong Zhang Inpainting Anything: Inpaint Anything with SAM + Inpainting models by Tao Yu Grounded Segment Anything From Objects to Parts: Combining Segment-Anything with VLPart & GLIP & Visual ChatGPT by Peize Sun and Shoufa Chen Narapi-SAM:...
Demo for a video clip from nuScenes dataset: Run the demo (using thenuScenes model): python demo.py tracking,ddd --dataset nuscenes --load_model ../models/nuscenes.pth --demo ../videos/nuscenes_mini.mp4 --pre_hm --track_thresh 0.1 --inference --clip_len 2 --trades --save_video -...