Make sure that the credit or debit card is in good standing and that your card supports online transactions. Find out if their fraud protection policies are affecting the use of your card. Once any errors are fixed, Adobe reprocesses your payment automatically. ...
attribute TaxGSTSummaryDetails_IN/(resolvedAttributes)/RecId attribute is.CDM.entityVersion Проширитабелу ParameterValueData typeExplanation versionNumber "1.1" string semantic version number of the entity is.application.releaseVersion Проширита...
Star Health and Allied Insurance company has disclosed in its filing with the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) that it has received a notice from the Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI) for a tax payment of ₹38.99 crore. The notice was issued un
² Folgen Sie den Anweisungen im nächsten Abschnitt, um Ihre GSTIN (Goods and Services Taxpayer Identification Number, Waren- und Dienstleistungen-Steueridentifikationsnummer) hinzuzufügen. Melden Sie sich beim Azure-Portal mit der E-Mail-Adresse an, die über die Rolle „Besitzer“ oder ...
What is the approximate number of employees and the estimated yearly revenue? What industry and category is your business in? Please provide us a description of your business goals and philosophy? Do you have any Social Media Profile’s? If yes, please provide the URLs and login access to, ...
For more information, see Reverse charge mechanism for VAT/GST scheme. As of January 1, 2021, a “reverse charge” approach can be used for acquisitions that companies in Great Britain make from counterparties in the EU, and that can be accounted for as import VAT on a VAT Return...
Income Tax Department Detects Rs 22,000 Crore in Undisclosed Foreign Assets Bombay High Court Quashes IT Department's Advisory on BCCI's Tax-Exempt Status Man Duped of Rs 3 Lakh by Fraudster Posing as Income Tax Officer Delhi Police's ACB Arrests Two for Alleged Bribery in GST Registration ...
Effective Date of Surrender/Cancellation: In this section, you are required to specify the GST registration's date of cancellation as mentioned in the order. Reference number of Cancellation order: Tax prosecutors will share a unique ID when the cancellation order is issued. ...
aAs soon as I get to Yangzhou home, I go to work at six thirty to find you in the afternoon. 当我到Yangzhou家庭,我去工作在六三十找到您下午。[translate] aPosting number of an item affixed in the Czech Republic: RR992463837VV.[translate] ...
In a multi-entity company, set theshowprivateelement totrueto query data in private entities: <showprivate>true</showprivate> Specify thereturnformatfor the response:xml(default),json, orcsv <returnformat>json</returnformat> pagesizeOptionalintegerMaximum number of matching objects to return in th...