In addition, VW is set to bring in its T-Cross SUV, which will be followed by a replacement for the ageing Vento sedan sometime in 2021. The T-Cross for India will be offered with 1.0-litre and 1.5-litre TSI petrol engines. A factory- fitted CNG option is also expected to be on ...
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See, the Tayron replaces the Tiguan Allspace, the long-wheelbase version of VW's compact SUV that has been sold in the U.S. since 2018 as, simply, the Tiguan. Volkswagen says that it will reveal a new version of the Tiguan for the U.S. later this year that will receive a version...
Skoda Yeti* 1.8 / 2.0 TSI 2010 - 2013 VW EOS 2.0TSI 2006 - 2016 VW Golf (Mk5/6) 1.8 / 2.0 TFSI/TSI 2004 - 2014 VW Jetta (Mk5) 1.8 / 2.0 TFSI 2006 - 2010 VW Scirocco 2.0 TFSI/TSI 2009 - 2014 VW Tiguan3 2.0TFSI 2007-2010Notes...
After showing multiple Microbus-inspired concept cars, VW unveiled an all-electric Microbus concept at the 2017 Detroit Auto Show, the promptly confirmed plans for a production version. While the world oohed and aahed at that concept (and we drove it), VW took its sweet time on the productio...
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有一个答案是临淄 要说中国有哪些低调但历史底蕴深厚的小城?有一个答案是浚县 中国有哪些低调但历史底蕴深厚的小城?有一个答案是山东临清 济南以前这些地方都叫什么呀? 带着乡音特色的吕剧,怎么现在知道的人寥寥无几呢? 中国大漆邂逅北京中轴线,这是永恒的浪漫! 中国有哪些低调但历史底蕴深厚的小城?有一个...
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