The braking system is enhanced through the use of a dedicated brake calliper for racing, six-piston front and four-piston rear, while running on Pirelli tires. Safety will be a priority and the GR Supra GT4 will be installed with a high-strength roll cage on the lightweight steel body, ...
Toyota 和 BMW 共同开发新一代的牛魔王已经不是秘密了,而在早前 Toyota 就在西班牙举办了 Supra 原型车的试驾活动,在这个活动上 Toyota 也确定了 Toyota Supra A90 的规格,就是采用了3.0L的直列六缸双涡轮引擎,最大马力表现超过300 hp,0-100低于五秒! 新一代 Supra (原厂代号 A90 )的开发计划早在2012年就...